The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees unanimously elected Angus R. Cooper III to represent the First Congressional District on the Board at its meeting on February 7, 2025. Cooper, a lifelong resident of Mobile, serves as president of The Cooper Group of Companies, an Alabama-based maritime firm with a global footprint.

The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees today appointed Sid J. Trant as chancellor of the University of Alabama System, recognizing his exceptional leadership, proven ability and passion for higher education and health care. Trant, who has served as interim chancellor for the past ten months, will now assume the permanent role, guiding the state’s largest higher education and health care enterprise into the future.

The UA Presidential Search Advisory Committee will hold listening sessions for campus community members and supporters to share feedback and comments on characteristics, qualifications and credentials they believe are essential for the next president of The University of Alabama.

The University of Alabama System today launched a comprehensive national search for the 30th president of The University of Alabama and has appointed a presidential search advisory committee to guide the process. The committee will be responsible for soliciting input from stakeholders, developing the presidential profile and position criteria, and recruiting and assessing candidates.

Dr. Jeff Gray, a Distinguished University Professor in the department of computer science and director of the Randall Research Scholars Program in the Honors College at The University of Alabama, has been awarded The University of Alabama System’s McMahon-Pleiad Prize.

Dr. Stuart R. Bell, the 29th president of The University of Alabama, has announced his plans to step down from the presidency mid-summer, completing a decade of excellence in leadership.

At its meeting on Nov. 8, 2024, the University of Alabama System Board of Trustees unanimously elected O.B. Grayson Hall, Jr., to represent the Sixth Congressional District. Hall is a UA System graduate and the retired chairman and CEO of Regions Financial Corporation.

Myla Calhoun

Board also elects Trustee Barbara Humphrey to new term representing the Seventh Congressional District and Trustee Scott Phelps to new term as President Pro Tempore.

Trustee Gronberg
UAS Scholars
President pro tempore Scott Phelps (left) and Trustee Kenneth Simon (right) present the Chancellor Emeritus resolution to Finis St. John IV (middle).